Non-maintained luminaries , Maintained luminaries , Central luminary controllers , Converters, Insectide traps , Night lights
GR4/UN: converter with batteries 1,5 Ah,3Ah and 4 Ah for VVG, EVG 18-58W T8 tubes and 18-36W compact tubes with 1,5 Ah,3Ah and 4 Ah batteries
GR 1104 small size programable converter, 1,2 - 4 Ah Batteries ,1-3 h backup time for LED lights,
T5/T8 6-80W

GR1004 /UN : programable inverter 16-80W forVVG or EVG T5 and T8 and compact tubes with 1,5 Ah, 2Ah, 3Ah and 4 Ah batteries
Product manager:
Egon Gyorgyovich
Tel: 06/30/933-7125;06/1/313-5625, 06/1/334-1762